When we visited Rome (July 2013 honeymoon with my husband Wil), we of course went to the more “obvious” tourist attractions. But you can’t “Do Rome” and not go see The Colosseum, The Pantheon, Fontana di Trevi, etc.

We arrived in Rome on July 22nd, and on the 23rd, the first thing we did at I believe 8AM or 8:30AM, was go to the Colosseum. Because we were so early, there was no real line to speak of. And it also wasn’t quite as hot yet (that week we had mid to upper thirties Celsius temperatures). I’m glad we went early because the light was really something. Still sort of hazy, bringing out the pinkish/orange hues of the stones inside the Colosseum.

I took many, many photos that day, but part of digging through these travel photo archives is to find photos – yes, of landmarks as well – that are a bit different, be it beautiful light, an interesting composition, or a treasured memory.

My love for photographing interiors has really been reignited upon browsing through my Rome photos. I really enjoy photographing churches and cathedrals and find a sort of zen when I do so. Which is ironic in a sense, because I’m self-assuredly an atheist. But I do appreciate the reverence in which churches were designed and built and I try to translate that when I photograph them.

One of the most impressive places of worship is the St. Peter’s Basilica.

Not bad for a Canon 7D (which I used from May 2011 until December 2017) – although I can’t say I miss that camera now haha. Anyway, I will have some more Vatican / Rome photos up at some point. First up are a few newer photos that I took here at home. So until then πŸ™‚


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