
Current events


Welcome to the new normal. #Anderhalvemetersamenleving I started this blog with the idea that I’d use it several times a week, maybe at some point even daily – as a photo journal, a place to gather ideas, notes, sketches, thoughts. And then Covid-19, or Corona, hit. And society grinded to a halt. I haven’t been able to do much of anything, creatively. My days haven’t even changed much. I’ve been a work at home mom for 3,5 years now. I’m used to so much of this. But the meaning of it all has changed. It was a choice, first. Now it’s a necessity. Everything has more weight and feels heavier. And the pressure has been getting to me. To try and have everything as normal as possible for my kids who are too young to grasp what is going on. To accept that some plans are on hold for now.…